Teaching Your Tween About Facebook Etiquette

5 tweens

So, we get it, our kids like to send messages to each other on Facebook.  But, if you haven’t had a discussion with your tween yet about proper Facebook etiquette, here is some advice.  As a matter of fact, there are adults out there who could use this advice as well:

1. Before you hit “Enter” after writing a post, read it out loud.

2. While reading the post out loud, ask yourself…  “Can I see myself saying this to my friend face to face?”

3.  If the answer to item 2 is yes,  ask yourself if you would also be willing to say it to any of that person’s Facebook friends.

4.  If the answer to item 3 is yes, ask yourself if you are also willing to have any of the friends of any of that person’s Facebook friends read it? (That was a hard one to put into words!)  Example:  I write to Sue.  Sue’s Facebook friends can see what I wrote.  Any of those friends could choose to share it with any of their Facebook friends.  And, it can just go on and on.  Something can become viral quickly, and you can’t take things back once they are out there in cyberspace.

5.  Finally, ask yourself if you are willing to have your parent or guardian read your post.

I hope this is a helpful addition to some of the important etiquette discussions you are having at home.





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