Resolutions for Tweens


A new year is coming,  Often it’s the adults who try to make New Years Resolutions, but why not encourage our tweens to do the same?  Your child could make his or her own goal for the new year, or you could make one together.  You could put charts up on the kitchen cupboard and put stickers on days when the goal was accomplished or worked on.  Start a discussion with your child about what they might like to work on.  Would it be something regarding exercise?  Nutrition?  Study skills? Learning about something new?  The goal has to come from within, of course. but maybe your child doesn’t know where to start.  Here are some examples of resolutions that a tween (and/or an adult) could make, for self-improvement.  Maybe one or two of these suggestions can ignite some interest:

*Look for an opportunity to volunteer.  Consult the local agencies, hospital, school district, or churches.  You can volunteer to work with younger kids, animals, the elderly, an organization that raises money for a cause –seek out whatever group you’re interested in helping.

*Take lessons to learn a new skill, whether it be to play an instrument, learn a language, try a new sport, or sew a quilt.  Finish this sentence- “I’ve always wanted to learn how to _____________________”.  Now go look for opportunities to do just that.

*Try to raise your grades by naming a set studying time, place, and procedures.  Will you read for pleasure during that time, if you don’t have any work that has to be done?    Will you work on your toughest assignment first?  Will you be sure to have a healthy snack available?

*What area(s) of fitness do you need to work on?  Should you stretch every evening, for improvement in flexibility?  Should you walk/jog 3-4 times a week?  Could you plan on doing pushups and sit-ups during the commercials of your favorite TV show?

*If you have a pet, are you doing what you should be doing to make sure that pet has a happy/healthy life?  Are you cleaning up the animal’s environment?  Spending quality time with the animal?  Or, if you want a pet, what are you willing to do for that pet on a daily basis?

*Do you need to work on making friends?  What activities can you get involved in that will help you towards that goal?

*Do you worry too much?  Perhaps you should be journaling nightly.  Or, are you willing to meet with a professional, someone who can listen to you without judging, and help you with your decision-making?

*Should you be working harder on personal hygiene? Do you shower and wash your hair on a regular basis?  What other personal care practices could you be paying more attention to?  Tooth-brushing?  Washing clothes? Clipping nails?

*How are your relationships with your family members?  Could a relationship with a parent or sibling be improved simply by spending more quality time together? Working harder on communicating?  Showing more love and respect?

*Is there a bad habit that needs to be replaced with a good habit?  Biting nails comes to mind, as does cluttering, forgetfulness, etc.

Well, as you can see, every human being can probably grab at least one of those suggestions and work on it.  We all have things to work on.  And, the thing is, it feels so good when you realize that you overcame a hurdle, or gained a new confidence, that it’s really worth it to keep self-improvement in the front of our minds.

Have a great start to the new year.





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