A Fun Project for Tweens, Tweens, and Adults!



Let’s put down our electronic devices for awhile and have some fun making a personalized book. It would be especially fun for parents or guardians, and kids to do together!  All you need is a blank composition book, scissors, a glue stick, and some magazines, or photos, or computer graphics, (or a combination of all three).  It’s also nice to have a roll of clear contact paper, so you can cover the book after you’ve made your collage. Decide what kind of a blank book you’d like to make:

  • A book for journaling in general.
  • A book where you write down the simple pleasures you’ve noticed each day, and/or people and things for which you are grateful.
  • A compliment book.  (You’d write down verbal compliments you’ve received, plus insert notes, letters, or awards you’ve received.)
  • A dream journal.  (Remember to keep it by your bed. Write down your dreams as soon as you wake up!)
  • A book of your favorite song lyrics.
  • A book with examples of your poetry and other writings.
  • A book of your favorite quotes.  Write about each quote, and why it inspires you.
  • A daily food intake and exercise log.
  • A book of your ideas and goals.
  • A sketch book.
  • A book like the ones pictured here. I like to glue in my favorite articles from the health magazines I subscribe to.
  • A book that is perhaps a little more random, including some of the topics discussed above.

If you do make a blank book, I hope you use it, enjoy it, and look back on it years from now. Just think, it’s your very own, personalized book!

Remember, wellness is a continuum.  We should work on keeping ourselves well, in all areas of maturity, (personally, emotionally, physically, socially, intellectually, and ethically), for a life time. Try to keep your thoughts and actions on the positive, self-improvement side of the continuum. Things will get rocky along the way, of course. It’s hard to keep everything in balance.  Hopefully this activity will help you cope with what life throws your way.


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